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The Waiting Game

It’s been just over a month since my most recent sitting for the bar exam and I have a little under a month left to wait for results. Before I took the exam, I blogged about my life plans for afterward and since I have nothing else to talk about, I figured I’d give an update on that.

1. I have read two books from my ALA Midwinter pile. Wink, Poppy, Midnight by April Genevieve Tucholke and What the Dead Want by Norah Olson. One was good, the other not so much. At the moment, I’m reading books on my 2016 TBR Manners and Mutiny by Gail Carriger (audiobook) and Leave Your Mark by Aliza Licht (hardcover). I had been reading A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab on my iPad at the gym, but I haven’t been to the gym since Jan 23rd.

2. Quite possibly my most successful task on the list. Not every night do I get to come home, walk my dog, take off my bindings and call it a day. Some days I have to apply for jobs or work on stuff for Phi Alpha Delta or I pace. But there are some days where I do come home, walk my dog, take off my bindings and pass out for a much needed nap or watch hours of things on Netflix I’ve likely already seen and can completely zone out to. Those are the days…

3. There haven’t been any Federal holidays for me to day drink during, but I have not seen the inside of a library in a month. I am overdue for a trip to pick up some books (and maybe return some overdue ones).

4. I’m only caught up on some of my bookish podcasts (Books on the Night Stand, Get Booked, All the Books, and Dear Book Nerd). I also started listening to The Truth, which is a storytelling podcast a lá old school radio shows. It’s odd, but I like it. And the job search never ends. It’s also not showing a lot of prospects, but I can’t go down that hole right now.

5. I am eating less. My slim bank account appreciates this.

6. The nag, nag, nagging feeling that I shouldn’t be doing anything else but studying lingers. It’s lost some potency, but it’s still there. I reckon it will be until I pass.

7. I’m only caught up on Sleepy Hollow because reasons (black girl lead, white male opposite, all the feels). I’m having a difficult time getting back into regular tv. I’ve been watching it so sporadically for so long now, I have no idea what’s going on with what and when things air or where to watch them most of the time. Also, I don’t want to get drawn in and then have to stop because of bad reasons I won’t say in an attempt to not jinx myself. And CBS is the worst! They don’t play well with others (Amazon Prime, Hulu, & Netflix) and I refuse to pay for a streaming service for network TV, so I miss out on Criminal Minds, which is another show I can watch over and over all of the time. I did spend one Saturday on my couch zoning out to almost all of the Police Academy films. They should reboot that series.

8. I have not decluttered a thing. That Saturday where I couch surfed Police Academy I kept saying to myself, “you could multitask and clean out a closet while you watch this.” I couldn’t talk myself into it.

9. My bar books are picking up dust on the floor and in a corner where I can’t see them. I have not gotten that massage yet, though. I need to jump on that, but since I spend the weekends not wanting to leave my apartment this is difficult. As my friend so aptly stated, I’m an anxious hermit right now.

10. The jury is still out on this one as I wait for my letter. I dare say, my gut says I passed and I won’t be doing this again in July. My brain is cautiously optimistic and prepared for that possibility that I won’t say.

Until next time when maybe I have something interesting to say…
